What does it mean to love your country?
This past week, our campus has had several speakers share with us the grave state of America. We are heading for destruction. Our government is running in circles, accomplishing nothing of substance. Israel and ISIS demand an answer. Meanwhile, we're slaughtering our own children by the millions and claiming it's only the politically correct thing to do.
Things are hardly getting better. Today's anniversary of the 9/11 attack has brought a sad state of mind to my campus, and the chilly weather underscores the seriousness of our nation's well-being.
I've been hit over the head by my lack of love and gratefulness for this country. America is definitely going down the tank, but when was the last time I prayed for my government? For the salvation of my leaders and wisdom for those in power? For God to intervene? For strength to speak the truth and to stand up when I need to?
When was the last time I prayed for the American church to do something?
Ashamedly, I confess my lack of patriotism because I haven't been praying for my nation. My "love" for America has translated into an attitude of taking things for granted.
We cannot ignore where the world is at. It is sin for us as believers to see evil and pretend it will "go away." We must be interceding in prayer on behalf of our brothers and sisters around the world who are in terrible suffering by dark forces.
Wherever you are, have you been praying for our persecuted family? Do you pray for your own country's leaders?
My new roommate is from Texas. She is sweet and wonderful and kind, but also has a deep vein of patriotism running through her. (Anecdote 1: us hanging up a Texan flag at 12:30am). One thing she has taught me is the importance of persevering in our prayers even when it seems pointless; forgive us, Lord, for thinking prayer isn't powerful! We don't know why God has all this happening right now, but we can trust he has a plan. We can count on his tears for Israel and desire to see the nations come to repentance. We can count on the Lord's love for presidents and terrorists alike because he loves all of us, too.
Even though we may feel like Habakkuk crying out to the Lord in 1:2 ("How long, Lord, must I call for help but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, 'Violence!' but you do not save?"), we can be confident and sobered in knowing he has a plan.
We just can't see the end of it yet.
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