Saturday, April 5, 2014

Following and Failing

Warning: I know nothing about blogging. This started mostly because I need a place and space to get my thoughts down. Give me grace as I figure this out....please......

I must declare: first and foremost, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. Everything I post is for his glory. He is the only source of truth and hope for me, and the only person who makes sense in this ridiculous failing world of ours. 

I am living and walking by the Holy Spirit. In my humanness, I struggle mightily against the constant battle with my selfish desires. I realized yesterday even my attraction to a certain guy right now is rooted in my selfish ambition: to have status, to make others jealous, and to have the smugness to be able to boast that I'm dating an older guy whom many look up to. I'm sorry, but that's not what Jesus came to promote; that's what he came to redeem and save me from. And I can't let my flesh win. By the grace of God, I don't have to. I take joy in knowing the depth of his love for me: that he died, and conquered death, and rose again. Romans 5:8...God loves me, even though I am nowhere near deserving. Praise Him forever, Amen.

How much of our lives are wasted? How much do we spend going through routines and accomplishing NOTHING of eternal value? That's how I have been challenged lately. The burden for those with no hope and the burden of understanding the limits on my own time.

Despite my own failures and fallings, may my eyes continue to be fixed upon the only Light that's real and the only Path that leads to eternal life. 


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