Monday, April 7, 2014

Up, Down, and Sideways

"Kaitlyn....can I get your perspective on something?"

So began a long and exciting conversation with a dear friend tonight. She is thinking about changing her career path to a ministry-related focus and believes the Lord is leading her towards in this direction. It was a blessing to be able to share with her my own journey of doubt, restlessness, and prayer from last semester when I was led to pursue ministry to women instead of journalism. It's funny how God uses the circumstances, choices, and situations in our own lives to help encourage and teach others. What a blessing to be able to look back and see exactly why God had something happen.

Life seems to come at us from all directions--up, down, and sideways. It's absolutely crazy, and we don't know what to do unless we have an anchor of hope that won't come undone. When I am lost and confused, I find that praying to my Savior and seeking him in the Bible FIRST are the best solutions, not venting to my friends or ignoring the issue. Jesus is the answer, the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6). I spoke with a hurt and skeptical man in the subway tonight about such things, and his perspective of God was so messed up because of things that had happened in his life. I was able to, by the grace of our Lord, show him love and listen to his raging thoughts. He begrudgingly said that he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight because of our conversation. Awesome.

As Spotify decides to play a dumb commercial yet again and I stay up way too late getting my thoughts out, I am reminded of the beauty in the mundane. Life is not always nuts--sometimes we forget to be grateful that we had a simple, easy day. We are called to thank God no matter what, whether that means good days, bad days, or lame days when nothing exciting seemed to happen. Don't worry, for he is at work. Remember, King David had a pretty boring life until Samuel the priest showed up and anointed him the next leader of Israel. When my crush-from-afar walks past me without saying a word, when I still haven't gotten a grade back on that paper, and when classes are ho-hum, I can trust that the Lord is moving and teaching me something. For everything has a purpose--and that's a promise (Romans 8:28). 

My eyes may not understand the value of this day, but I know there's a plan and eternity is not far away.


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